Featured Projects

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Project History

A timeline of my projects over the years


Math Research Project

Research in computational geometric number theory, focusing on counting special types of number fields. Developed a multithreaded optimized algorithm for partial prime factorization pairs, utilizing geometric and algebraic curves to improve field discovery rates compared to previous research.

MathematicsMultithreadingAlgorithm Optimization

Odin Classroom

Online learning platform aimed at simplifying computer science education by providing tools and programming languages in one space.

Next.jsTailwind CSSPostgreSQL


Tool to deploy full-stack applications with backend, databases, and authentication using a single prompt.


Spring 2024

Genetic Programming Research Project

Research combining Genetic Programming with Large Language Models to enhance code repair capabilities. Investigated evolutionary approaches using genetic operations like mutation and crossover, while addressing challenges in optimizing combined GP-LLM applications.

Genetic ProgrammingLLMsCode Repair

Fall 2023

ECE 842 Performance Modeling

Developed systems for analyzing communication networks using cron jobs for scheduling and analysis of communication systems.

Network AnalysisCron Jobs

Capstone Project CSE 491

Led a team of 4 students to develop a genetic programming system in C++. Implemented core features including genetic programming loop, scavenger queuing system, multi-threading, sanitizers, unit testing, custom logging, and memory leak checks.

C++MultithreadingGenetic Programming


Platform designed to help 911 centers during high call volumes. Implemented multi-agent strategy where one agent engages with the caller while another extracts vital information for dispatching units.

PythonFlaskGoogle Cloud

Spring 2023

CSE 812 Distributed Systems Research

Developed research simulation for distributed systems, focusing on fault tolerance. Implemented Monte Carlo simulations and token ring architecture, running hundreds of simulations to understand system resilience.

Distributed SystemsMonte CarloFault Tolerance

Catan Crushers

Project associated with Michigan State University focused on game development and strategy optimization.

Game Development

Fall 2022

CSE 325 Multithreaded Systems

Developed complex multithreaded systems and applications using C and C++, focusing on concurrent programming principles and performance optimization.


CSE 335 Angry Sparty's

Led team development of an object-oriented program with comprehensive testing suite. Focused on building efficient, bug-free code using modern C++ practices and CMAKE.


CSE 335 Automata

Rapid development project completing full system architecture in 14 days. Implemented design patterns and abstraction principles while maintaining adaptable system architecture.

System DesignDesign Patterns

Spring 2022

CSE 320 Pincode System

Developed a security pin system using low-level circuit design and ArmASM. Built and debugged a simple processor implementation using assembly language.

ArmASMCircuit DesignAssembly

CMSE 201: Traveling Salesperson Problem

Utilized genetic programming to develop efficient solutions for the Traveling Salesperson Problem, focusing on evolving populations of solutions.

PythonGenetic Programming


Portfolio Project

Personal portfolio development project showcasing technical skills and project work.

Web Development

Pause App

Application developed in association with Michigan State University.

Mobile Development

Parking Pal

Community-based solution providing reliable and cheaper parking methods by enabling users to rent out parking spaces.

FlutterFirebaseGoogle Maps API



Project developed at Midland High School focused on driving safety.

Software Development

Biohomes - BPA Web Design

Web design project completed for Business Professionals of America at Midland High School.

Web Design


Back Tracking Visualizer

Project developed at Midland High School focusing on algorithm visualization.
